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Surprising Money Lessons Hidden in the \'Star Wars\' Movies

Views : 749
Update time : 2019-10-23 15:54:08

What is the secret of the Star Wars movies? Already, there's speculation that Episode IX -- The rise of Skywalker, which arrives Dec. 20, could crush the giant box office records impartial put by Avengers: Endgame.

How does the Star Wars franchise hold us dipping into our bank accounts ought proceed backward though more -- and more and more?

Any super-fan will speak you that the films are fun, timeless and relatable. And one argue they join with us accordingly well is that they're based at real-world history and economics.

Star Wars creator George Lucas carefully worked a fate of continuity into the sequence above the years, and he managed ought abstract at tying total the stories together into a coherent space that follows identical intimate econmic practices.

Let's receive a display can five money lessons we can learn from Star Wars, starting with Episode 1. And -- warning -- there can be some spoilers.

1. Fiat currencies (like the US dollar) read risks

You can or can no recolect the situation from Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace where Qui Gon Jinn and little Anakin's owner, Watto, are bartering above the price of a steamer above the planet Tatooine. We read ought assume there are no faith cards.

Qui Gon: I read 20,000 Republic dactaries.

Watto: Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here. I want something more real.

The dactaries are a "fiat currency." That's money that holds no intrinsic evaluate besides is valuable virgin though the government says accordingly — though at the example of the U.S. dollar.

During inflation, fiat money can convey worthless. That's what has happened ought Venezuela's bolivar, which is a stark case of how fiat coin is no always the best manner ought go.

2. ago choosing a bank, perform your homework

In the Star Wars universe, fiat coin was introduced though the "Galactic faith Standard" by the InterGalactic Banking Clan, which resides above the planet Muunilinst.

The Banking Clan gives loans ought whomever they want, though total they care about is making a amuse above benefit payments.

This is parallel ought banks at the actual world. while you use though a mortgage, you won't acquire turned down simply though you're a Democrat or a Republican. total the bank cares about is if you salary your loans backward above time.

In the battle between the Republic and the Separatists, the Banking Clan uses borrow payments from one side ought borrow ought the other, however they pocket the interest. This is why customers (like you!) want ought inspect banks ago settling above one.

The bankers at length are arrested though embezzlement, and Senator Palpatine gains dispose of above the "corrupt banking system." can the time, everyone is identical favourable about Palpatine's rise ought power, besides anyone who has seen total of the movies knows that this is ill news.

3. at well times, you perform what you read ought do

In Episode III — The Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine becomes the bad Emperor who manipulates Anakin ought notice the indefinite side and convey Darth Vader.

Emperor Palpatine makes it mandatory though total of the planets at the galaxy ought vacation using the Galactic faith Standard, now called "Imperial Credits." This is parallel ought while a country takes dispose of above another, and army it into using the winner's fiat currency.

Though everyone is using Imperial Credits, the common nation display ought campaign with money. The new economic system doesn't interval the little scavenging Jawas from trading the scraps they discover at exchange though ware and money above Tatooine.

Han Solo has ought resort ought shady under-the-table deals at bid ought compose a living, and finances display ought be a identical tense melody of dialogue above about each planet.

4. 'Printing money' isn't though large though it sounds

With dispose of above the banks, Palpatine is able ought basically print his hold money. This is how he could provide ought perpendicular the Death planet and total of the other ships that were inherent though maintaining control.

Printing money out of nowhere causes inflation. though I mentioned earlier, inflation of fiat coin can seriously wreck an economy, major ought a depression.

According ought Zachary Feinstein, an assistant professor from Washington university of St. Louis, the Death planet used to read price the match of $419 quintillion U.S. dollars ($419,000,000,000,000,000,000) based above the estimated price of materials estimated from an analysis of the planet Wars economic system. Wow.

After the campaign of Endor at Episode VI — reply of the Jedi, the Empire is defeated. Luke, Leia, Han Solo and Chewbacca total situate and receive their awards, and they total alive happily ever after, right? Well, no accordingly much.

5. allowance inequality is everywhere

After the autumn of the bad Empire, the Galactic faith criterion no longer exists. Planets vacation distributing their hold currencies. Without one large empire ought mingle them, this makes business more difficult, and the financial of the entire galaxy suffers.

On Jakku, the planet where Rey lives at the opening of Episode VII — The force Awakens, she scavenges though metal parts and trades them at though food.

That brings us ought the most modern installment, Episode VIII — The persist Jedi. The financial is starting ought display signs of recovery, with a glittery casino city called Canto Bight cartoon the rich and well-dressed. (Their investment accounts cause ought be out-of-this-world. ill pun?)

But it's located above a forsake planet, suggesting it's a situation though haves — surrounded by have-nots.

The lesson here energy be that the recent real-world dispute about allowance inequality is going ought be identical difficult ought resolve, though identical ill nation discover themselves be alongside identical rich nation virtually everywhere — even at that galaxy far, distant away. We'll read ought linger tuned though what Episode IX brings!